Membership Categories & Fees
Members can choose a category that best fits their interests and circumstances. Membership fees can be paid in full – or in quarterly installments if the fee will be automatically charged to a credit or debit card. To set up a payment arrangement, call the office at (202) 333-1327.
Standard Membership:
This category gives you access to all programs and services. But no portion of this membership fee is tax deductible.
Social Membership:
This category gives you access to all programs – but no services. All but $100 of this annual membership fee is tax deductible for an individual. All but $150 is tax deductible for an annual household membership.
Fees – You can save money with a three-year membership.
- One year Individual - $630
- One year Household - $945
- Three-year Individual - $1,590
- Three-year Household - $2,535
Reduced Fee Membership
FBWE Village offers reduced-fee standard memberships for $100 a year for lower-income individuals and households. Reduced fee members can access all services and programs. An individual with income of $52,550 or less (for a single person) or $60,050 or less for a family of two can qualify for a reduced-fee membership. These guidelines are based on federal HUD guidelines for low-income housing in the District of Columbia.
To apply for reduced fee membership, check the box on the membership application form that says "Request reduced membership fee." You may also contact our Executive Director, Denise Snyder, at 202-333-1327 for a confidential consultation. In hardship cases, she has the discretion to further reduce the $100 membership fee. All information is strictly confidential; other Village members will not know about membership status.
Neighbors Away
This option is for members of the village who have subsequently moved from the area, but want to stay connected. For $200 for two years, under this membership category individuals will continue to receive all village publications and may participate in online programming. No services or in-person programs are included in this category. This membership is fully tax-deductible.