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Foggy Bottom West End Village

Lend a Hand, Stay Connected, Live Well at Home

Join the Village Legacy Society Now

Leaving Gifts through Wills, Trusts, IRAs and more

Foggy Bottom West End Village (“FBWEV”) gratefully accepts bequests from Wills, Trusts, IRAs, Life Insurance, and other instruments. People who remember The Village in their estate recognize that non-profit organizations depend upon the generosity of others to perpetuate their mission. For a young organization such as FBWE Village, this is especially true. All gift amounts are confidential.

Things to Consider
There are many ways to bequeath money. Which option you select may depend upon your marital status, your financial circumstances, how much you wish to leave to family members, and other considerations. You should ask your estate planner or lawyer which is best for you.
How to Leave Money to FBWEV
No matter which vehicle you chose, your bequest should name Foggy Bottom West End Village, Tax ID: 46-1760040, as the beneficiary. You do not need to notify us of this bequest; however if you wish to be honored in the FBWEV Legacy Society (see below), we need to be notified of your intentions. We will hold in confidence any supporting documentation you send.
Traditional IRAs

Regardless of your financial circumstances, one of the best ways to leave money to non-profits is through a Traditional IRA (not a Roth IRA). It’s easy to do, and it’s very tax efficient.

There are no legal fees involved. Simply go to the financial institution that manages your IRA and ask for a beneficiary form. Add FBWEV to the list, assign it a percentage of the total, and you’re done.
Naming FBWEV as the beneficiary of your Traditional IRA keeps the money out of your D.C. and federal estate tax calculations, AND it reduces the recipient’s tax liability.

Who Should Consider Leaving Money to FBWEV Through an IRA?
  • Anyone intending to leave money to a charity in their estate. This is especially true for single people. However if the remaining spouse doesn’t need to live off all the principal of the IRA, then it makes sense for them as well.
  • Alternatively, if you’d like to give money now, but you need to live off your capital, naming FBWEV on your IRA beneficiary document is an excellent solution. 
Talk to Your Retirement Professional
There are many factors to consider in estate planning, so please talk to a professional. Because FBWEV accepts bequests from just about every estate instrument, you and your advisor have many options to choose from. For many people, Traditional IRAs are a smart way to remember FBWEV in your estate.

FBWEV Legacy Society
FBWEV established the Legacy Society to thank and recognize those who name our organization in their estate plans…those who believe in our mission to help members live independently at home as long as possible. No bequest is too small to be recognized, and all manner of bequests (IRAs, wills, trusts, insurance beneficiaries, etc.) qualify. Please reach out to us by using the contact information below.

The FBWEV Legacy Society members will be recognized on our website and in our annual report. The size of each bequest will be confidential, and individuals can be listed as “Anonymous” if they prefer. In addition, members will be invited to a special annual donor event.

Contact us for more information:
Phone:  202-333-1327
Email: [email protected]
US Mail:  2430 K St. NW, Washington, DC 20037

:: Foggy Bottom West End Village: 
2430 K Street, NW : Washington, DC 20037 : 202-333-1327 ::